Saturday, January 25, 2025

DeKalb County to consider zoning cases on Feb. 25 after weather delay

After the cancellation of the zoning meeting of the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, January 23, a new schedule has been announced. 

Many of the applications that were on Thursday evening's agenda will now be heard during the commission's Tuesday morning meeting on February 25. Others will be heard at the commission's regularly scheduled zoning meetings in March and May.


These cases will be considered on FEBRUARY 25 at 10 a.m. at 178 Sams St. in Decatur:


D1-2023-1466     TA-24-1246761

Application of the Director of Planning & Sustainability for a text amendment relating to film studio requirements and for other purposes. Planning is asking that the application be "withdrawn without prejudice" because "the permitting and further definition of large-scale studios and related accessory uses will be comprehensively addressed in the Zoning Rewrite set to begin in early 2025." The Planning Commission voted 7-2 against the application earlier this month.

D2-2024-0815     TA-24-1247197

Application of the Office of Commission District 2 to reduce the minimum unit size for single-family dwelling units in the single-family R-75 (Residential Medium Lot-75) and R-85 (Residential Medium Lot–85) zoning districts. The Board of Commissioners voted 5-0-0 in November to defer the proposal until its January zoning meeting, which did not take place. In November, Commissioner Michelle Long Spears moved to delay action in order to address concerns about the proposal and brief incoming commissioners. Information can be found here: 


N1-2024-1438   SLUP-25-1247288

Application for a Special Land Use Permit for up to 6 people in a personal care home at 3195 Kelly Chapel Rd. (R-100). Staff recommends approval. The Planning Commission voted 8-0-1 for approval with the condition that the SLUP be renewed after two years of operation. Information at:

N2-2024-1439   SLUP-25-1247279

A SLUP application by The Universal Church, Inc. to allow a place of worship in the Scottdale Overlay District Tier 1 at 3110 E Ponce de Leon Ave. (zoned M, Light Industrial). Staff and the Planning Commission (9-0-0) have recommended approval with conditions that the SLUP be non-transferable and that the applicant submit a site plan showing sufficient parking before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Information:

N3-2024-1440  SLUP-25-1247277

A SLUP application by Boston's Funeral Cremation Services to add a crematorium to an existing funeral home at 5644 Memorial Dr. (zoned C-1). The Planning Commission (9-0-0) and planning staff are recommending denial. A similar application was withdrawn in 2020. Information:

N4-2024-1441  SLUP-25-1247296

A SLUP application to allow a gas station selling alcohol at 5099 Memorial Dr., Stone Mountain (zoned C-1), which was formerly the Original Pancake House. The applicant is asking for "withdrawal without prejudice." Planning staff and the Planning Commission (9-0-0) support this request. Information: 

N8-2024-1445  SLUP-25-1247287

A SLUP application to allow a commercial campground at 1102 Stewart Mill Road, Stone Mountain (zoned R-100). Planning staff are recommending approval. The Planning Commission voted 9-0-0 for approval with the condition that an 8-foot fence be installed along the residential boundary. Information:

Thursday, January 23, 2025

State of Emergency lifted after DeKalb County winter weather woes

A state of emergency in DeKalb County ended on Thursday, the day after DeKalb County CEO Lorraine Cochran-Johnson declared one because many icy roads were impassable and efforts to treat them moved slowly.

“Although conditions have improved, we urge everyone to exercise caution, especially after dark, as icy spots may persist,” Cochran-Johnson said. 

“As we return to normal operations, I want to thank the residents of DeKalb County for their patience and cooperation during this challenging time,” she said.  

DeKalb County BOC zoning meeting cancelled

Tonight's zoning meeting of the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners has been postponed, as the county continues to recover from winter weather.

Commissioners generally make the final decision on zoning applications during the Thursday evening zoning meetings, which are held every two months.

"Due to inclement weather, the Board of Commissioners Zoning public hearing originally scheduled to be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. has now been CANCELLED," the DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability said. 

The county had earlier said that the meeting would take place virtually.

"New meeting dates will be determined and announced soon," the planning department said.

A meeting of the county's Watershed Customer Service & Billing Advisory Board scheduled for earlier in the day was also cancelled.

DeKalb County offices, senior centers, libraries and recreation centers remained closed on Thursday.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

DeKalb County "boil water" notice expands after break in aging water main

Continued work on a water main break on Clairmont Rd. led Wednesday to an expanded "cautionary" boil water advisory for portions of western DeKalb County, reaching into parts of the City of Decatur.

The DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management issued the advisory for an area east of Moreland Avenue, west of Candler St./Clairemont Ave., south of Mason Mill Rd., and north of Hosea L. Williams Dr. 

"DeKalb residents who receive their water from the City of Atlanta are not affected by the boil water advisory," the department says.

The break in a 30-inch cast-iron water main on Clairmont Road near Dresden Dr., which was installed in 1941, initially affected about 8,800 households in the Toco Hills area and nearby.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

DeKalb County proposes 10 years of 10-percent annual water rate hikes

The incoming administration of DeKalb County CEO Lorraine Cochran-Johnson proposed Tuesday to increase water rates 10 percent per year for the next 10 years, while asking for modifications to a federal consent decree that has been in effect since 2010.

Chief Operating Officer Zach Williams offered the proposal to DeKalb County commissioners after they returned from a nearly three-hour executive session. He said it would "provide the long-term solution that will allow us to address nagging issues."

With compounding, the Cochran-Johnson administration proposal would mean that a $100 water bill today would rise to more than $259 in 10 years.

Michelle Long Spears is new Presiding Officer for DeKalb County Commission

The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday voted unanimously (7-0-0) to approve Michelle Long Spears as the new Presiding Officer for this year. Nicole Massiah was elected Deputy Presiding Officer in a 6-1-0 vote. Ted Terry was the lone vote against.

Other actions during the first BOC meeting to include all of the newly elected commissioners:

An application for a Special Land Use Permit for a coffee shop at 3823 N. Druid Hills Rd. was deferred (7-0-0) to the BOC's February 11 meeting with a public hearing. This was done because is there a companion application already scheduled to be heard on that date.

The board approved the appointment of Eric Hubbard to the Zoning Board of Appeals by a vote of 7-0-0.

Appointment of Hillary Gardner to the DeKalb County Public Library Board of Trustees was deferred until the Jan. 28 BOC meeting. She was interviewed later in the day by the BOC's Planning, Economic Development & Community Services Committee, which unanimously recommended approval of her appointment.

Monday, January 13, 2025

State recognizes two DeKalb County schools for improved graduation rates

Two DeKalb County schools are among five schools in the state that have been recognized by the Georgia Department of Education for exceptional academic improvement or achievement.

Clarkston High School and McNair High School, which had been cited for having low graduation rates, are no longer being classified as Comprehensive Support & Improvement Schools, because their four-year graduation rates rose above 67 percent in 2024. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

DeKalb County warming centers open for at least one week

DeKalb County will operate several warming centers 24 hours a day for the next week, as temperatures are expected to fall nearly 10 degrees below normal and wintry precipitation is expected on Friday and Saturday.

"We're going to see the first very serious bout of cold weather for this winter," DeKalb County Chief Operating Officer Zach Williams said Tuesday. 

"We've had shelters open as early as early November, but we are anticipating cold weather through the next week. We will be utilizing several 24-hour warming centers," he told a meeting of county commissioners.