Saturday, December 21, 2024

DeKalb County murder-suicide cited as example of gun risks

A letter to the editor in Saturday's New York Times cites a DeKalb County murder-suicide as an example of the risks of having a gun in the home.

"Americans have been sold a myth about guns: that people are safer armed. Many have bought into this myth," writes Nina Vinik, founder and president of Project Unloaded, a nonprofit organization working against gun violence.

"This month, in DeKalb County, Ga., a man gunned down his girlfriend, her daughter and two young grandchildren. This tragedy ... is a harsh reminder of the fact that guns make us less safe," she writes.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that the alleged shooter at the Vineyards at Flat Shoals apartment complex had a lengthy criminal history.

"By equipping Gen Z with information on how guns make them less safe, we can empower young people to reject the prevailing myth on guns, and that knowledge could save their lives," Vinik's letter concludes.